[Fuuk-ext-l] Invitation to Seminar of Institute of Physics, MFF UK, on Tue 21.12. from 14:00, speaker Mgr. Miroslav Hopjan, Ph.D.

Jaroslav Hamrle hamrle na karlov.mff.cuni.cz
Pondělí Prosinec 20 12:47:15 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

it is my pleasure to invite you to Seminar of Institute of Physics of 
Charles University, entitled:

*Characterization of delocalization-localization transitions from full 
density distributions*

Speaker: Mgr. Miroslav Hopjan, Ph.D. (1,2)

^1 /Institut f//ü//r Theoretische Physik, Georg-August-Universitat 
G//ö//ttingen, G//ö//ttingen, Germany/

^2 /currently: D//epartment of Theoretical Physics, J. Stefan 
Institute,//Ljubljana, Slovenia/

Time:  Tuesday 21.12.2021 from 14:00

Place: Seminar room of Institute of Physics F285 (atelier) , second 
floor, Ke Karlovu 5, Prague


Characterizing the delocalization-localization transition in closed 
interacting quantum systems with a many-body localized (MBL) phase is a 
key open question in the field of nonequilibrium physics. Typical 
experiments, designed to detect the many-body 
delocalization-localization transition, measure the dynamical properties 
of such systems [1]. However, much work has been done to provide 
evidence of the transition in the structure of many-body eigenstates. 
One of such evidences for MBL is localization of the eigenstates in the 
Fock space [2].

In our recent work [4], we exploit the fact that localization of 
particles as realized in Anderson localization and standard many-body 
localization implies Fock-space localization in the Fock space of states 
characterized by a real-space index. Using a recently introduced 
quantitative measure for Fock-space localization computed from the 
density distributions, the occupation distance [3], we systematically 
study its scaling behavior across delocalization-localization 
transitions [4]. We contrast results for the MBL phase to a standard 
Anderson-localized phase and we point out their differences which are 
consistent with different mechanisms for the transitions.

[1] Lukin et al. Science 364, 256 (2019), Choi et al, Science 352, 1547 
[2] S. Bera, H. Schomerus, F. Heidrich-Meisner, and J. H. Bardarson, PRL 
115, 046603 (2015)
[3] M. Hopjan and F. Heidrich-Meisner, PRA 101, 063617 (2020)
[4] M. Hopjan, G. Orso and F. Heidrich-Meisner, PRB 104, 235112 (2021)

With my best regards

Jaroslav Hamrle

Mgr. Jaroslav Hamrle, Ph.D.
Institute of Physics, room F232
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Ke Karlovu 5
121 16 Prague
Czech Republic

tel: +420-95155 1340
email: hamrle na karlov.mff.cuni.cz

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