Conference on aurora borealis at the French Institute - May 23

Pavlína Tejcová pavlina.tejcova na
Pondělí Květen 22 10:59:00 CEST 2023

Vážení/Dear All,

dovolujeme si Vám předat nabídku na poslední chvíli. Podrobnosti naleznete níže/Let us inform you about a last minute offer. See below for more details.

Are you interested in space and celestial phenomena? In the frame of the Club Sciences of the French Institute in Prague, come discover and observe the fascinating natural phenomenon of the polar lights! Jean Lilensten, Research director at the Grenoble Planetology Laboratory (IPAG) will present the "Planeterrella" device in the Kino 35, which simulates the relationship between a star and a planet, and thus the phenomenon of the polar lights.
In English, free on registration
To find out more:
S přáním příjemného dne/Best regards,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky/Research and International Affairs Department
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy/Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551222

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