Virtual International Programme (VIP), Summer Semester 2022 - Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany)

Pavlína Tejcová tejcova na
Čtvrtek Únor 10 11:03:31 CET 2022


dovolujeme si Vám předat k přímému využití nabídku online vzdělávání 
"Virtual International Programme (VIP) for summer semester 2022" od 
*Justus Liebig University Giessen*, partnerské univerzity UK. Jedná se 
doslova o nabídku na poslední chvíli: *deadline* je již *11.02.2022*. 
Podrobnější informace naleznete zde: a v emailu níže.

S přáním příjemného dne,


Dear all,

let us inform you about a "Virtual International Programme (VIP) for 
summer semester 2022", offered by *Justus Liebig University Giessen*, 
Charles University partner university. The *deadline* is set on 
*February 11, 2022*, so it´s really a last minute offer. See: and the email below for mor details.

Best regards,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky/Research and International Affairs Department
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy/Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551222

*From:*europa-aaa <europa-aaa na>
*To:* europa-aaa <europa-aaa na>
*Subject:* JLU Virtual International Programme (VIP) - Summer Semester 2022

Dear colleagues,

I hope this e-mail finds you, your colleagues and families all well and 
healthy. We are pleased to present to you today JLU’s *Virtual 
International Programme (VIP) for summer semester 2022*.

Based on the positive response during previous semesters, JLU has 
decided to make the VIP a permanent offer addressing *international 
students interested in a virtual exchange* experience at JLU. Please be 
assured that this programme *constitutes an additional offer and is not 
meant to replace physical exchange at our university*. We would 
appreciate if you could share the information with your students once 
again and thus support this possibility.

The VIP invites international students from our partner universities 
around the world to gain *international study experience* as 
*complement* of *their studies in their home countries*. International 
students get to choose one or more seminars and lectures from a varied 
study catalogue <> taught completely 
online. This offer includes *over 60 online courses from 9 faculties at 
JLU at undergraduate and graduate level*, held in English, German, 
Spanish, French language. As the offer is part of the regular JLU 
curriculum, international students enrolled will benefit from an 
international learning environment.

In addition to the specialized courses, our VIP offers interdisciplinary 
online courses and 200 places in 3 online German language courses for 
beginners. Upon successful completion of the virtual exchange semester, 
international students will receive a Transcript of Records with credit 
points from JLU. Participation in the Virtual International Programme at 
JLU is *free of charge for students from our partner universities.*

Attached you find an overview of the Virtual International Programme at 
JLU as well as our course offer. Students are able to apply for the 
programme up to *February 11, 2022*. The courses start mid of April 
2022. For further information about the course offer and the application 
process, please visit our JLU Digital Campus 

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your students for a unique 
virtual experience at JLU and providing them with an international 
academic exchange, even in times of pandemic-related travel restrictions.

We highly appreciate if you could disseminate our Virtual International 
Programme broadly among your campus community. Please contact our 
Mobility Team for inquiries about the programme, the course selection or 
the application process:

Justus Liebig University Giessen

International Office

Mobility Team

VIP na <mailto:VIP na>

Tel.: +49 641-99 12131/32

Best regards from Giessen and please stay safe,

Mobility Team

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