Vyhlášení výběrového řízení na výzkumný pobyt na Brown University v akademickém roce 2022-2023/Brown University Call for Visiting Research Fellow Applications for the academic year 2022-2023

Pavlína Tejcová tejcova na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Středa Leden 26 11:32:24 CET 2022


dovolujeme si Vás informovat o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na krátkodobý 
*výzkumný pobyt na Brown University (BU) v akademickém roce 2022/23 *v 
souladu s Memorandem o spolupráci uzavřeným mezi UK a BU, na němž 
participují dvě fakulty - MFF a FF. Nabídka je určena studentům 
*magisterských a doktorských studijních programů.* Vítězný kandidát 
obdrží stipendium ve výši $2,100 a možnost provádět výzkum pro svou 
diplomovou nebo dizertační práci pod vedením supervisora z BU.
Interní fakultní* *deadline* je nastaven na *20. 3. 2022*. Zájemci 
odevzdají na OVZS následující dokumenty v angličtině:

1.A one page letter of intent with a justification of why the candidate 
is applying for the grant.
2.A research proposal with the following characteristics

a.A research topic and justification of its links with the research 
interests of the Brown University faculty member

b.Preference will be given to proposals that include a letter of 
interest from the Brown University faculty member to work with the student.

c.Preference will also be given to proposals with a research question 
that leads to a specific goal” an MA thesis, a PhD dissertation, and-or 
publications in refereed journals.

d.A maximum offive pages (including footnotes and bibliography), Time 
New Roman 12, 1.6. line space, standard page margins, US letter.

3.Curriculum Vitae
4.A letter of support from the student’s advisor (MA or PhD) at Charles 

Kandidáti doporučeni fakultou mohou být na základě uvážení BU následně 
vyzváni k online interview před výběrovou komisí BU. Konečné rozhodnutí 
by mělo být učiněno koncem dubna 2022.

Pro samotný pobyt na BU je vyžadováno plné očkování proti COVID-19. 
Další podrobnosti k proticovidovým opatřením na BU naleznete níže v 
anglické verzi.

S přáním příjemného dne,


Dear all,

let us inform you that Brown University, in accord with the 
Brown-CharlesMemorandumofUnderstanding, announces a *call for partially 
funded ($2,100) visiting research fellow applications*. Students who are 
on the *Master’s or PhD program* at the Faculty of Mathematicis and 
Physics and Faculty of Arts of Charles University areencouraged to apply 
for a short-term research visit.Accepted applicant will spend part of 
the academic year 2022-23 conducting research for their MA or PhD thesis 
under the supervision of a Brown faculty.

Interested applicants should *submit the following documents to the 
Research and International Affairs Department (OVZS)* by *March 20, 
2022* as the latest:

1.A one page letter of intent with a justification of why the candidate 
is applying for the grant.

2.A research proposal with the following characteristics

a.A research topic and justification of its links with the research 
interests of the Brown University faculty member

b.Preference will be given to proposals that include a letter of 
interest from the Brown University faculty member to work with the student.

c.Preference will also be given to proposals with a research question 
that leads to a specific goal” an MA thesis, a PhD dissertation, and-or 
publications in refereed journals.

d.A maximum offive pages (including footnotes and bibliography), Time 
New Roman 12, 1.6. line space, standard page margins, US letter.

3.Curriculum Vitae

4.A letter of support from the student’s advisor (MA or PhD) at Charles 

The finalists may be interviewed online by the Brown’s selection 
committee. The final decision by Brown is planned to be made in late 
April 2022. Please see the anti-covid restrictions bellow as well.

*Anti-COVID restrictions at Brown University*:
All mask wearing policies and COVID-19 campus protocols and other 
measures detailed on the Campus Activity Status page of the Healthy 
Brown website remain in effect for now.
In addition,short- and long-term visitors are required to be fully 
vaccinated for COVID-19. If there are additional changes, requiring 
either greater or fewer public health restrictions, those will be 
communicated on the Campus Activity Status page and directly to the 
Brown-Charles Visiting Research Fellows at that time.

Best regards,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky/Research and International Affairs Department
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy/Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551222

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