Online Consultation Service for Study at Kanazawa University

Pavlína Tejcová tejcova na
Pondělí Říjen 18 13:22:50 CEST 2021


dovolujeme si Vám níže předat k přímému využití nabídku partnerské 
Kanazawa University k on-line konzultacím pro případné zájemce o studium 
- termín je 26.10.2021 (předchozí registrace je nutná).

S přáním příjemného odpoledne,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2

Není-li v této zprávě výslovně uvedeno jinak, má tato e-mailová zpráva nebo její přílohy pouze informativní charakter. Tato zpráva ani její přílohy v žádném ohledu Univerzitu Karlovu k ničemu nezavazují. Text této zprávy nebo jejích příloh není návrhem na uzavření smlouvy, ani přijetím případného návrhu na uzavření smlouvy, ani jiným právním jednáním směřujícím k uzavření jakékoliv smlouvy a nezakládá předsmluvní odpovědnost Univerzity Karlovy. Obsahuje-li tento e-mail nebo některá z jeho příloh osobní údaje, dbejte při jeho dalším zpracování (zejména při archivaci) souladu s pravidly evropského nařízení GDPR.

    *Předmět:* *<Announcement> Online Consultation Service for Study at
    Kanazawa University*


    Dear Partner Universities,

    Thank you so much for your cooperation always.

    We informed you that we had opened “Online Consultation Service for
    the Study at Kanazawa University”

    in June and July. We could meet and talk with prospective students
    and would like to thank you for your

    great support. This is to inform you that we start to accept the
    registration for consultations in October again.

    Anyone who are interested in the study at Kanazawa University can
    join this session to solve their questions

    or concerns about study abroad. We offer a session to consult with
    our faculty/staff members for 20 minutes

    by Zoom meeting. The details are as follows.

    We would appreciate it greatly if you could announce this
    information to your students or the person in charge

    of your esteemed university.


    <How to make a reservation>

    1. Advance booking is required to use this service no later than 3
    days prior to the date of the session.

    2. Visit the following URL to check the available dates and choose
    one session to make a reservation. 

    <October 26>

    [NOTE] The dates and times are shown based on JST (Japan Standard

    3. Click the registration form at the above URL and make your own
    “MyPage”with reference to the attached “MyPage User Manual”.

    * If you would like to cancel your reservation, you can cancel it
    from MyPage.

    Please be sure to cancel at the latest by the day before the meeting.

    4. Make a reservation of your desired session selecting from the
    dates and times listed.

    5. You will receive an e-mail about the details of online meeting.

    *You will receive a confirmation e-mail when you complete the
    registration. If you don't receive any e-mail,

    please contact us at g-planning na
    <mailto:g-planning na> .

    <Cancellation Policy>

    -If we cannot reach you through your e-mail registered at this site,
    your reservation might be cancelled.

    -Your reservation will be cancelled if we cannot confirm your reply
    by the day before your meeting or we cannot

    meet you on the designated Zoom meeting in 10 minutes from the
    starting time of your meeting.

    * If you would like to cancel your reservation, please be sure to
    cancel on "MyPage"  ( )

    by the day before the meeting at the latest.

    <Useful Information about the Study at Kanazawa University>

    The attachment might be of some assistance to you for finding a
    scholarship or prospective academic advisor.

    Please look through the attachment and websites once and you can ask
    in the session if you have further questions.

    *Now the reservation for October 26 is available. If you would like
    to join sessions after October, we will

    update the schedule and accept your application at the same website
    above. If you have any question, please

    feel free to contact the Global Planning Section, Kanazawa
    University at g-planning na
    <mailto:g-planning na> .


    Your continues support would be sincerely appreciated.


    International Affairs Department

    Kanazawa University

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