Fwd: Fwd: Nabídka stipendií na letních školách Univerzity Curych 2019
Anděla Michálková
michalkova na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Úterý Leden 15 11:35:24 CET 2019
Vážení studenti,
dovoluji si Vám předat nabídku stipendií na letní školy 2019 Univerzity
Curych. Veškeré informace naleznete v mailech níže.
S pozdravem a přáním pěkného dne,
Ing. Anděla Michálková
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551220
-------- Původní zpráva --------
Předmět: Nabídka stipendií na letních školách Univerzity Curych 2019
Datum: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 06:23:36 +0000
Od: Hocková Zuzana <zuzana.hockova na ruk.cuni.cz>
Vážené paní a pane vedoucí,
z pozice strategického partnerství jsme od Univerzity Curych obdrželi
nabídku stipendií na jejich letní školy 2019:
×How Switzerland got rich <http://bit.ly/HowSwitzerlandGotRich2019>
×Intercultural Competence – Drawing on the Swiss Experience
×Finance for the Future: Sustainable Finance and FinTech
Veškeré informace naleznou případní zájemci viz níže. Jelikož se budou
stipendia rozdělovat pouze dle rychlosti zažádání, nechť se *případní
zájemci* přihlašují *ihned* *rovnou koordinátorce Katje Durkin:
*katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch <mailto:katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch> *a v kopii
Barboře Bednaříkové *barbora.bednarikova na ruk.cuni.cz
<mailto:barbora.bednarikova na ruk.cuni.cz>.
Výzva je otevřena nyní a uzavírá se 23. dubna 2019.
S díky za spolupráci a pozdravem,
Zuzana Hocková
*Ing. Zuzana Hocková***
vedoucí Centra strategických partnerství
Head of Center for Strategic Partnerships
Univerzita Karlova***|*Charles University
Ovocný trh 560/5, CZ 116 36 Prague 1
T: (+420) 224 491 611 *| *www.csp.cuni.cz <http://www.csp.cuni.cz>
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch <mailto:katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch>
*Subject: Scholarships available for University of Zurich Summer
Schools 2019*
*Date: *7 January 2019 at 17:14:44 CET
*To: *lenkaannarovna na gmail.com <mailto:lenkaannarovna na gmail.com>
Dear Lenka,
Dear Zuzana,
A very happy New Year to you both! I hope you had a relaxing break
over the festive period.
We are very pleased to announce some generous scholarships available
to students from our valued U21 and strategic partners to
participate in our UZH International Summer Schools
<http://bit.ly/UZHSummer2019>, which take place 30 June – 19 July
2019. Each program offers 6 ECTS and is open to Bachelor and Master
students from all subject areas.
We have five full tuition fees waivers available, worth 2000 – 2500
Swiss Francs each, which will be allocated to the first five
applicants from our U21 and strategic partners. On top oft hat, UZH
offers up to 50 tuition fee discounts of 500 or 1000 Swiss Francs to
applicants from our most valued partners, including your
institution, on a first come, first serve basis.
Application is now open and will close on the 23 April 2019:
Programs on offer include:
· *How Switzerland got rich* <http://bit.ly/HowSwitzerlandGotRich2019>
This Summer School looks at the development of Switzerland into one
of the richest and most globalized countries in the world. Students
will be introduced to the state of research and scholarly debate on
“how Switzerland got rich”. Participants will evaluate this topic
from a sociological, historical, economical, and political point of
· *Intercultural Competence – Drawing on the Swiss Experience*
Intercultural communicative competence has become an increasingly
important skill and a valuable asset in today’s world. In this
Summer School, participants will work towards a refined
understanding of the complex set of abilities needed to interact
appropriately and successfully with others who are linguistically
and culturally different from themselves.
· *Finance for the Future: Sustainable Finance and FinTech*
This Summer School will focus on the past, present and future
development of the Swiss financial system and wealth management in
Switzerland. Students will enhance their knowledge in macroeconomics
and finance. Furthermore, they will learn about the most recent and
promising trends in FinTech and Sustainable Finance, and will apply
their gained knowledge in a portfolio management game.
For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes,
Katja and Carmen
Katja Durkin-Sommerhalder
Senior Manager Strategic Projects
University of Zurich
International Relations Office
Raemistr. 71
CH-8006 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 65 01
Fax +41 44 634 45 01
katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch <mailto:katja.durkin na int.uzh.ch>
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