Introduction to Programming with Python

Dana Macharová machar na
Úterý Říjen 3 10:43:54 CEST 2017

Announcement for an introductory course on programming:

        Introduction to Programming with Python
        By Abhijeet Borkar, Astronomický ústav AV ČR,
        Boční II 1401/1, 14100 Praha 4.
        Starts in November 2017.

This will be an informal course (i.e. no exams or tests and no
affiliation with University). The aim of this course is to learn and
practice programming together, with a modern language like Python. The
focus will be on scientific programming, with occasional detour into
non-scientific uses. No prior knowledge of programming is required, but
knowledge of graduate-level mathematical and statistical methods will be
useful. Details of the topics that will covered can be found in the

If you are interested in participating in the course, please fill up
this form:


Abhijeet Borkar

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