Fully funded PhD in the UK
Milena Stiborova
stibor na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Úterý Květen 22 09:00:46 CEST 2007
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Oksana Kasyutich <Oksana.Kasyutich na bristol.ac.uk>
*Date:* 18. květen 2007 11:51:01 GMT+02:00
*To:* vnvztahy na prorektor.cuni.cz
*Subject: Fully funded PhD in the UK!! *
Dear Sir,
Please could you spread this information for urgent attention to all
graduated students (physics, chemistry, biochemistry), who would like to
do a research in the UK. Here, at the University of Bristol, we have an
open position for a fully funded three years PhD project to work in the
interdisciplinary research: bio- nanoparticles - protein
crystallization- nanomaterials – metamaterials. Full details about the
eligibility criteria, application process, etc could be found on the
MISSION web page:
The project which is now open is PhD02, with Prof. Walther Schwarzacher
as a first supervisor.
Our group website advertisement could be found here:
The deadline for application is 31
of May, 2007!!!!
Many thanks for your help!
Kind regards
Dr.Oksana Kasyutich
oksana.kasyutich na bristol.ac.uk
phone: 0117 331 7785, ext. 17785
Room 1.20
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