Konference ICERI2021 - 8. - 10. listopadu 2021, Sevilla, Španělsko

Pavlína Tejcová tejcova na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Pátek Duben 23 14:46:16 CEST 2021


dovolujeme si Vám předat k přímému využití informaci o konání konference 
ICERI2021 (14. ročníku International Conference of Education, Research 
and Innovation) v Seville ve dnech 8. - 10. listopadu 2021. Podrobnější 
informace naleznete v emailu níže.

S přáním příjemného dne,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551222

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*From:*ICERI2021 <iceri2021 na iated.org <mailto:iceri2021 na iated.org>>
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 14, 2021 10:56 AM
*To:* Zahran <zahran na ruk.cuni.cz <mailto:zahran na ruk.cuni.cz>>
*Subject:* [zahran] ICERI2021 announcement on institutional website

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that *ICERI2021* (14th annual International 
Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)will be held on the 
8th, 9th and 10th of November 2021, in *Seville*,**Spain.

The information is available at: https://iated.org/iceri

It would be highly appreciated if you could publish this upcoming event 
*ICERI2021* on your institutional or departmental website. We are sure 
that it will be very interesting for professionals in the area of 
Education, Research, Innovation.**

After 14 years, ICERI has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, 
researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists Every 
year, ICERI brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.

ICERI2021 will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects 
and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer 
participants an overview of the current situation of education and new 
learning technologies.

The deadline for abstract submissions is *July 15th, 2021.*

Abstracts should be submitted on-line at 

ICERI2021 Proceedings will be reviewed for their inclusion in the *Web 
of Science *(Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions 
are already indexed. Also, a DOI number will be assigned to each 
accepted paper.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

*ICERI2021 **Organising Committee**
*Email: _iceri2021 na iated.org_ <mailto:iceri2021 na iated.org>

Website: _https://iated.org/iceri_

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right of limitation and opposition to its treatment using the following 
information: IATED Academy; Address: Plaza Legion Espanola 11 bajo. 
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