Výzva na projekty pro IIE Centennial Fellowship / Opportunity for Fulbright Alumni: IIE Centennial Fellowship

Lenka Mervová mervova na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Čtvrtek Červenec 2 10:11:37 CEST 2020

*For English please scroll down*

Dobrý den,

rádi bychom vás upozornili na možnost podávat projekty pro IIE 
Centennial Fellowship 2020/2021. Výzva je otevřena pro všechny obory, 
projekty musí být spojeny s Covid-19. Detaily naleznete v anglické verzi 
textu níže.

S pozdravem a přáním příjemného dne,

*Mgr. Lenka Mervová*


Dear all,

The IIE Centennial Fellowship 
<https://www.iie.org/Programs/IIE-Centennial-Fellowship/About> is an 
annual fellowship program that was launched in 2019 in honor of IIE’s 
Centennial and our association with the Fulbright Program 
<https://eca.state.gov/fulbright>. The IIE Centennial Fellowship seeks 
to help enhance Fulbright as a life-long experience and recognize 
Fulbright alumni whose work embodies the program’s values of mutual 
understanding, leadership, global problem solving, and global impact.

*For 2020-2021, four Fulbright alumni will be selected to receive 
fellowship awards of up to $25,000 to help fund ongoing or planned 
projects that tackle challenges related to the global COVID-19 crisis.* 
Given the scope of the crisis, the project may be in a wide range of 
areas, from healthcare delivery to policy development and dissemination 
to food security, but it must aim to solve a problem related to the 
crisis. Projects for this round must be feasible even if restrictions 
make travel impossible and must follow any local, regional, domestic, or 
international regulations designed to limit the spread of the virus. 
That means projects should include viable contingency plans and/or be 
virtual in nature and demonstrate innovative uses of technology to 
achieve project goals.

IIE Centennial Fellowships will fund projects for up to 1 year. 
Candidates may work or study in any field and do not need to have an 
institutional affiliation.

*Application Deadline: July 21, 2020, 5PM EST*

Visit the IIE Centennial Fellowship website to _learn more 
<https://www.iie.org/en/Programs/IIE-Centennial-Fellowship>_ and _apply 
<https://www.iie.org/Programs/IIE-Centennial-Fellowship/Apply>_, or 
contact IIECentennialfellows na iie.org 
<mailto:IIECentennialfellows na iie.org>. View last year’s impressive IIE 
Centennial Fellows here 

Kind regards

*Mgr. Lenka Mervová* Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky 
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Ke Karlovu 3 121 16 Praha 2

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