MSCA Cofund Postdoctoral Fellowship : CAROLINE Call 2
Milada Menšíková
mensikova na
Sobota Srpen 5 00:45:36 CEST 2017
Dobrý den,
dovoluji si předat informaci Irské výzkumné rady, která nabízí
post-doktorandský program - Collaborative Research Fellowships for a
Responsive and Innovative Europe.
Komu je program určen:
4.3.1 Experienced researcher type 1 has been awarded their doctoral degree within the seven-year
period before the time of recruitment. Eligible career breaks of up to
five years are taken into account8. For the purposes of this condition
the date of graduation will be taken into account.
4.3.2 Experienced researcher type 2 does not hold a doctoral degree, but holds a master’s degree or
an undergraduate degree such as a bachelor’s degree or equivalent9,
enabling him/her to embark on a doctorate in Ireland or the country in
which the qualification was obtained; and before the time of recruitment, has completed at least four
years of full-time equivalent research experience following the
qualification which would enable her/him to embark on a doctorate in
Ireland or the country in which the qualification was obtained.
O co je možné žádat:
1) Irish fellowships - 24 months - Home host organisation with a
mandatory secondment to an NGO/IO in Ireland
2) International fellowships - 36 months - NGO/IO outside of Ireland for
years 1 & 2 and in home host organisation in year 3
Deadline je 12. října 2017 16:00 (GTM).
V případě zájmu, kontaktujte OVZS, více informací najdete v emailu níže
a na
a v pokynech v příloze.
S pozdravem a přáním hezkého dne
Milada Menšíková
Mgr. Milada Menšíková
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551221
Dear Colleague,
The Irish Research Council is pleased to announce the *opening of the
second call* of the IRC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund
Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme entitled *CAROLINE – ‘Collaborative
Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’*. CAROLINE
will fund research projects relevant to the themes of the United Nations
2030 Agenda for shared economic prosperity, social development, and
environmental protection. The scheme is aimed at experienced researchers
with diverse career objectives in mind, including those within academia,
civic society, and industry.
Successful applicants will conduct research either in Ireland or abroad
and will gain inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary exposure through this
prestigious research mobility and career development Fellowship.
*This call will close at 16:00 GMT on the 12^th of October 2017*.
For more information about the scheme, including Terms and Conditions,
please visit:
*We would appreciate it very much if you could circulate notification of
Call 2 of CAROLINE through your networks*.
With thanks and best wishes,
Irish Research Council
Irish Research Council, /An Chomhairle um Thaighde in Éirinn/
3 Shelbourne Buildings, /3 Áras Síol mBrain/
Crampton Avenue, /Ascaill Crampton/
Ballsbridge, /Droichead na Dothra/
Dublin, /Baile Átha Cliath/
D04 C2Y6
*Phone//:*+353 1 2315000
*Web:* <>
cid:image003.jpg na 01D05A56.9D87BBB0*:*@IrishResearch
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement No 713279
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