The Queen Jadwiga Fund - Competition 2008/2009
Milena Stiborova
stibor na
Čtvrtek Únor 28 15:07:11 CET 2008
Oddeleni pro vedu a zahranicni styky
Vsem katedram, ustavum, sekcnim prodekanum
Dovolujeme si Vam preposlat k pripadnemu primemu vyuziti nabidku
stipendii pro mlade vedce a doktorandy z Jagellonske univerzity v Krakove.
M. Stiborova.
According to our eight-year long tradition so far, the
Jagiellonia University in Krakow, Poland, announces a competition
for The Queen Jadwiga Fund Scholarships for the academic year
2008/2009. The scholarships are dedicated to young academic staff
and doctoral students of the universities in Central and Eastern
Europe. Since 2000 more than 730 scholarships were granted to
recipients from 21 countries. Their stay in Krakow provides a
scientific research under the tuition of the Jagiellonian professors
for 1-3 months between October 2008 and June 2009. Papers are being
received till May 31st 2008 and the results will be known in July
Please find attached all useful information regarding the
competition together with the website: and make it
circulate among those interested at your school.
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Další informace o konferenci ovzs-l