[OGAP-l] Pozvánka / Invitation: 27. 3. 2025 - ELI ERIC MSc and PhD joint thesis topics fair
Ivana Herglová
ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Pátek Březen 14 13:52:28 CET 2025
Vážené kolegyně,
Vážení kolegové,
Evropská výzkumná infrastruktura ELI ERIC zve na hybridní setkání s nabídkou možných společných témat pro magisterské a doktorandské práce.
Fyzické setkání se uskuteční dne 27. 3. 2025, 9-14 hodin v polské Vratislavi (Wroclaw); souběžně je možné se setkání účastnit také online.
Více informací a registrace:
ELI ERIC MSc and PhD Thesis Topic Fair (27 March 2025): Overview · ELI ERIC Indico Page<https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/207/>
S pozdravem,
Ivana Herglová
Dear colleagues,
The European research infrastructure ELI ERIC invites for a fair of research topics for joint MSc and PhD theses between the Universities and ELI ERIC.
The fair will take place in Wroclaw (Poland) on March 27, 2025, 9-14 o’clock. Online participation is also possible.
More information and registration:
ELI ERIC MSc and PhD Thesis Topic Fair (27 March 2025): Overview · ELI ERIC Indico Page<https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/207/>
Best regards,
Ivana Herglová
From: Nada Witzanyova <nada.witzanyova na eli-laser.eu>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:03 PM
To: ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz; dolezal na ipnp.mff.cuni.cz; veis na karlov.mff.cuni.cz; zdenek.masin na utf.mff.cuni.cz
Importance: High
Dear all,
Registration for the first edition of the ELI ERIC MSc and PhD Topic Fair is now open.
Would you be so kind as to register, and distribute to students and professors the attached invitation and the INDICO link ELI ERIC MSc and PhD Thesis Topic Fair (27 March 2025)<https://indico.eli-laser.eu/event/207/>?
Please, could you keep in mind, that only students and universities from Czechia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Germany, and Romania are invited? Poland is invited too, and co-organizes this event, the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, and the students in the photonics foundation, the CANDELA foundation.
Thank you so much,
With kind regards,
And see you physically or online in Wroclaw 😊,
Ing. Naďa Witzanyová, LL.B., MBA
Senior Officer for External Affairs
+420 608 284 594
nada.witzanyova na eli-laser.eu<mailto:nada.witzanyova na eli-laser.eu>
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC
Za Radnicí 835, 252 41 Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic
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