[OGAP-l] 6. 3. + 12. 3. 2025 Semináře ERC pro wideningové země / ERC info sessions for Widening European Participation

Ivana Herglová ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Pátek Únor 28 15:01:43 CET 2025

Vážené kolegyně,
Vážení kolegové,

Výkonná agentura Evropské rady pro výzkum (ERCEA) pořádá sérii dvou informačních  webinářů „ERC info sessions for Widening European Participation“ pro žadatele a žadatelky z wideningových zemí, kam patří i ČR.

V rámci prvního semináře dne 6. 3. 2025 získáte vhled do hodnoticího procesu a dozvíte se, jak napsat kvalitní projektový návrh ERC. Zástupci ERCEA také poskytnou doporučení k tvorbě rozpočtu a představí požadavky z hlediska etiky ve výzkumu. Druhý webinář pořádaný dne 12. 3. 2025 se zaměří na podpůrné mechanismy, kterých mohou žadatelé a žadatelky využít. Představené budou služby Národních kontaktních bodů (National Contact Points, NCP) a iniciativy ERC jako Visiting Fellowships nebo Mentoring Initiative. Program pro informaci přikládám níže.

Více informací a registrace zde:
ERC info sessions for Widening European Participation | ERC<https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/events/erc-info-sessions-widening-european-participation>

S pozdravem,

Ivana Herglová


Dear colleagues,

The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) is organising a series of two webinars "ERC info sessions for Widening European Participation" for applicants from Widening Countries, including the Czech Republic.

In the first seminar on 6 March 2025, you will get an insight into the evaluation process and learn how to write a quality ERC project proposal. ERCEA representatives will also provide recommendations on budgeting and present the requirements in terms of research ethics. The second webinar on 12 March 2025 will focus on support mechanisms that applicants can use. The services of the National Contact Points (NCPs) and ERC initiatives such as Visiting Fellowships or the Mentoring Initiative will be presented. The programme is attached below for information.

More information and registration here:
ERC info sessions for Widening European Participation | ERC<https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/events/erc-info-sessions-widening-european-participation>


Ivana Herglová


Thursday 6 March 2025, 9.30-12.00
Applying for an ERC grant: how to prepare your application
9.30 – 9.35 | Welcome and Introduction
9.35 – 9.45 | Overview of ERC individual grants

  *   Martin Penny<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/martin-penny>, Head of Communication Unit, ERCEA
9.45 – 10.10 | How to write a successful grant proposal

  *   Odeta Limaj<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/odeta-limaj>, Research Programme Agent, ERCEA
10.10 – 10.25 | The ERC evaluation process

  *   Maksym Tsytlonok<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/maksym-tsytlonok>, Project Adviser, ERCEA
10.25 – 10.50 | Q&A session
10.50 – 11.00 | Break
11.00 – 11.20 | The project budget

  *   Catherine Merolla<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/catherine-merolla>, Financial Adviser, ERCEA
11.20 – 11.35 | Meeting the research ethics requirements

  *   Carolina Avila<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/carolina-avila>, Research Programme Agent - Ethics, ERCEA
11.35 – 11.55 | Q&A session
11.55 – 12.00 | Closing remarks

Wednesday 12 March 2025, 9.30-11.00
Applying for an ERC grant: where to seek support
9.30 – 9.35 | Welcome and Introduction
9.35 – 9.40 | Role of the ERC National Contact Points network

  *   Martin Penny<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/martin-penny>, Head of Communication Unit, ERCEA
9.40 – 9.50 | Examples of services provided by an NCP

  *   Aurelija Povilaikė<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/aurelija-povilaike>, ERC NCP for Lithuania
9.50 – 10.00 | Q&A session
10.00 – 10.15 ERC support measures: Visiting Fellowships Programme and Mentoring Initiative

  *   Rosaria Carbone<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/rosaria-carbone>, Communication Adviser, ERCEA
10.15 – 10.30 Insights from ERC grantees

  *   Michal Smetana<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/michal-smetana>, Charles University, Czech Republic
  *   Michał Tomza<https://erc.europa.eu/event-speaker/michal-tomza>, University of Warsaw, Poland
10.30 – 11.00 | Q&A session

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