[OGAP-l] Next Generation Internet, NGI - nové možnosti kaskádového financování / new possibilities of cascade funding
Ivana Herglová
ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Středa Říjen 23 15:33:49 CEST 2024
Vážené kolegyně,
Vážení kolegové,
jednou ze zajímavých a poměrně snadných možností, jak dosáhnout na financování z programu Horizont Evropa je získání tzv. kaskádového financování, kde prvotní příjemce podpory od Evropské komise (tj. hlavní řešitel většího grantu) vyhlásí v průběhu realizace svého projektu vlastní menší výzvy k podávání návrhů dílčích projektů.
Aktuálně zve Evropská iniciativa Internet nové generace<https://www.ngi.eu/> (Next Generation Internet, NGI) propojující projekty financované z Horizontu 2020 a z Horizontu Evropa akademiky, firmy, neziskové organizace i jednotlivce inovátory k účasti v následujících aktuálně otevřených kaskádových výzvách, tzv. open calls.
Iniciativu NGI podporuje Evropská komise od r. 2018 s cílem utvářet budoucí internet jako interoperabilní platformový ekosystém, který ztělesňuje otevřenost, inkluzivitu, transparentnost, soukromí, spolupráci a ochranu dat.
Od svého fungování Iniciativa financovala prostřednictvím programu Horizont 2020 a Horizont Evropa přibližně 900 projektů<https://www.ngi.eu/discover-ngi-solutions/?> s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem pokrývající všechny aspekty internetu.
NGI Sarcasso<https://ngisargasso.eu/eu-applicants-oc5/>, uzávěrka žádostí 25. listopadu 2024, grant až 100 000 EUR/projekt, zaměření: Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Across Continents, Harmonized Cross-Atlantic Digital Governance, Inclusive Public Digital Spaces for Global Community Engagement, Enhanced Data Security and Privacy in Transcontinental Perspective, Interoperability and Standardisation Across Borders, Next-Gen Cybersecurity and Generative AI, Next Generation Space Based Internet, Redefining intelligence in a hyperconnected world, Internet Archiving, Open Challenge.
NGI Zero Commons Fund<https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/>, uzávěrka žádostí 1. prosince 2024, grant až 50 000 EUR/projekt, zaměření: Commons model - free and open source software and hardware, open standards, open data & AI, open science, creative commons and open educational resources.
NGI Taler,<https://nlnet.nl/taler/> uzávěrka žádostí 1. prosince 2024, grant až 50 000 EUR/projekt, zaměření: Privacy-preserving digital payments - new electronic payment systems that benefit everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers.
NGI Mobifree,<https://nlnet.nl/mobifree/> uzávěrka žádostí 1. prosince 2024, grant až 50 000 EUR/projekt, zaměření: More ethical and human mobile software. Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software, and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards.
NGI Fediversity<https://nlnet.nl/fediversity/>, uzávěrka žádostí 1. prosince 2024, grant až 50 000 EUR/projekt, zaměření: NGI Fediversity is a comprehensive effort to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services with service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. It wants to provide everyone with high-quality, secure IT systems for everyday use. Without tracking, without exploitation, in a way that runs everywhere and scales effortlessly.
NGI ZERO<https://ngi.eu/opencalls/#ngizeroreview>, uzávěrka žádostí 31. července 2025, zaměření: Supporting quality and maturity of digital commons.
Pokud budete na některou z výzev reagovat, prosíme o krátkou informaci OGAP.
S pozdravem,
Ivana Herglová
Dear colleagues,
one of the interesting and relatively easy ways how to obtain funding from the Horizon Europe programme is to apply for so-called cascade funding, where the primary recipient of support from the European Commission (i.e. the principal investigator of a larger grant) announces its own smaller calls for proposals during the implementation of its project in the form of partial projects.
Currently, the European initiative Next Generation Internet (NGI)<https://ngi.eu/>, connecting projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, invites academics, companies, non-profit organizations and individual innovators to participate in the following currently open cascade calls, so-called open calls.
The NGI initiative has been supported by the European Commission since 2018 with the aim of shaping the future Internet as an interoperable platform ecosystem that embodies openness, inclusiveness, transparency, privacy, collaboration and data protection.
Since its launch, the Initiative has funded approximately 900 open source projects<https://www.ngi.eu/discover-ngi-innovations/?> covering all aspects of the Internet through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
NGI Sarcasso<https://ngisargasso.eu/eu-applicants-oc5/>, application deadline: November 25, 2024, grant up to 100 000 EUR/project, focus: Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Across Continents, Harmonized Cross-Atlantic Digital Governance, Inclusive Public Digital Spaces for Global Community Engagement, Enhanced Data Security and Privacy in Transcontinental Perspective, Interoperability and Standardisation Across Borders, Next-Gen Cybersecurity and Generative AI, Next Generation Space Based Internet, Redefining intelligence in a hyperconnected world, Internet Archiving, Open Challenge.
NGI Zero Commons Fund<https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/>, application deadline: December 1, 2024, grant up to 50 000 EUR/project, focus: Commons model - free and open source software and hardware, open standards, open data & AI, open science, creative commons and open educational resources.
NGI Taler,<https://nlnet.nl/taler/> application deadline: December 1, 2024, grant up to 50 000 EUR/project, focus: Privacy-preserving digital payments - new electronic payment systems that benefit everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers.
NGI Mobifree,<https://nlnet.nl/mobifree/> application deadline: December 1, 2024, grant up to 50 000 EUR/project, focus: More ethical and human mobile software. Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software, and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards.
NGI Fediversity<https://nlnet.nl/fediversity/>, application deadline: December 1, 2024, grant up to 50 000 EUR/project, focus: NGI Fediversity is a comprehensive effort to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services with service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. It wants to provide everyone with high-quality, secure IT systems for everyday use. Without tracking, without exploitation, in a way that runs everywhere and scales effortlessly.
NGI ZERO<https://ngi.eu/opencalls/#ngizeroreview>, application deadline: July 31, 2025, focus: Supporting quality and maturity of digital commons.
Should you decide to respond to one of the calls, please, inform the Department of Grants and Projects (OGAP).
Kind regards,
Ivana Herglová
PhDr. Ivana Herglová, Ph.D.
Oddělení podpory grantů a projektů
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2
tel: 951 551 682
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