[OGAP-l] Aktuální výzvy/Current calls: Společné výzkumné centrum Evropské komise / Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Ivana Herglová
ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Středa Květen 29 11:17:02 CEST 2024
Vážené kolegyně,
Vážení kolegové,
komplementární součástí programu Horizont Evropa je program EURATOM, který se zabývá především jadernou bezpečností.
Součástí programu EURATOM a současně 2. pilíře programu Horizont Evropa (Globální výzvy a konkurenceschopnost evropského průmyslu) je tzv. Joint Research Centre Evropské komise (Společné výzkumné centrum EK), dále JRC.
JRC | Portál Horizont Evropa<https://www.horizontevropa.cz/cs/struktura-programu-he/globalni-vyzvy-konkurenceschopnost/nejaderne-prime-akce-spolecneho-vyzkumneho-strediska/informace>
JRC provozuje v místech některých svých sídel (Brusel, Geel, Ispra, Karlsruhe, Petten, Sevilla) laboratoře a výzkumná centra, která nabízí k využití v rámci krátkodobých stáží pracovníkům a také studentům z akademické a vědecko-výzkumné sféry.
Více o této iniciativě se můžete dozvědět zde:
Obecně o spolupráci s JRC se více dozvíte v následujícím videu z produkce Technologického centra Praha:
Aktuálně otevřené výzvy EURATOM-JRC jsou:
EUFRAT: MONNET access call<https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/monnet-tandem-accelerator-based-fast-neutron-source-eufrat-2024-1-rd-eufrat-monnet_en>
MONNET is a high-intensity quasi mono-energetic fast neutron source, driven by a vertical 3.5 MV Tandem accelerator producing either continuous or pulsed beams of protons, deuterons or helium ions.
Reference: 2024-1-RD-EUFRAT-MONNET
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: HADES access call<eufrat:%20HADES%20access%20call>
JRC operates a laboratory for ultralow-level radioactivity measurements inside the 225 m deep underground laboratory HADES, which is located at the premises of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-HADES
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: RADMET access call<eufrat:%20HADES%20access%20call>
The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratories (RADMET) are equipped with a broad set of instruments used for nuclear decay measurements, determination of related nuclear data and radiological characterisation of samples and materials.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-RADMET
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: GELINA access call<https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/gelina-jrc-neutron-time-flight-facility-eufrat-2024-1-rd-eufrat-gelina_en>
GELINA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator serving as strong white neutron source for high resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-GELINA
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
S pozdravem,
Ivana Herglová
Dear colleagues,
a complementary part of Horizon Europe is the EURATOM programme, which is mainly dedicated to nuclear safety.
One of the sections of EURATOM and at the same time part of Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe (Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness) is the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, further referred to as JRC.
JRC runs laboratories and research centres in some of its seats (Brussels, Geel, Ispra, Karlsruhe, Petten, Seville). These are open for short-term research stays of staff and also students in academia and research.
You may learn more about this initiative here:
Currently open calls of EURATOM-JRC are:
EUFRAT: MONNET access call<https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/monnet-tandem-accelerator-based-fast-neutron-source-eufrat-2024-1-rd-eufrat-monnet_en>
MONNET is a high-intensity quasi mono-energetic fast neutron source, driven by a vertical 3.5 MV Tandem accelerator producing either continuous or pulsed beams of protons, deuterons or helium ions.
Reference: 2024-1-RD-EUFRAT-MONNET
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: HADES access call<eufrat:%20HADES%20access%20call>
JRC operates a laboratory for ultralow-level radioactivity measurements inside the 225 m deep underground laboratory HADES, which is located at the premises of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-HADES
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: RADMET access call<eufrat:%20HADES%20access%20call>
The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratories (RADMET) are equipped with a broad set of instruments used for nuclear decay measurements, determination of related nuclear data and radiological characterisation of samples and materials.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-RADMET
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
EUFRAT: GELINA access call<https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/calls-proposals/gelina-jrc-neutron-time-flight-facility-eufrat-2024-1-rd-eufrat-gelina_en>
GELINA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator serving as strong white neutron source for high resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements.
Reference: 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-GELINA
Location: Geel, Belgium
Deadline date: 30 June 2024
Best regards,
Ivana Herglová
PhDr. Ivana Herglová, Ph.D.
Oddělení podpory grantů a projektů
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2
tel: 951 551 682
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