Offers for international students of Charles University

Pavlína Tejcová pavlina.tejcova na
Úterý Říjen 17 09:59:15 CEST 2023

Dear All,

Let us draw your attention to following offers from the CU Point:

  *   An opportunity to participate this weekend (October 21 - 22) in the workshop for English speaking students Building Psychological Resilience Workshop. You can find more information and register here:

We are going to cover key topics for university students and it's a great opportunity to meet your peers. Come to start a new semester well with us.

  *   We also have few last places in the international support group for all English-speaking students, don't hesitate to find more information and register here: Winter Semester 2023 Support Group<>. We are looking forward to meet you!

  *   An October CU Point Newsletter for international students can be found at the following address:

Best regards,

Mgr. Pavlína Tejcová
Oddělení pro vědu a zahraniční styky/Research and International Affairs Department
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy/Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Praha 2
tel. 951551222

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