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Vážené kolegyně,<br>
Vážení kolegové,<br>
další zajímavou nabídkou<b> Evropské kosmické agentury (ESA)</b> je
možnost ucházet se o<b> postdoktorandské fellowshipy s podporou ESA
ve výší 70% </b>v rámci výzvy <b>Living Planet Fellowship call
for proposals 2022.</b> Zbývajících 30% může být pokryto např.
platem hostující instituce, která musí mít sídlo v některé ze zemí
ESA. Zároveň také uchazeči musí mít občanství jednoho ze členských
států ESA.<br>
Letošní nabídka je otevřená pro ty postdoktorandy, kteří získali
nebo získají své Ph.D. v rozmezí 1. 1. 2015 až 15. 6. 2022.<br>
<b>Lhůta pro přihlášky je 15. 6. 2022.</b><br>
<font color="#6600cc"><br>
<i>With this Fellowship ESA co-funds post-doctoral research
projects. At least 30% of the total cost of the research project
should be secured internally by the host institution. ESA
funding shall contribute to cover at maximum 70% of costs,
associated to the salary, travel and publications of the
Candidate. The maximum ESA contribution to the project is
110.000 EUR (exclusive of options, as detailed in the call
<font color="#6600cc"><i><b>RESEARCH AREAS</b></i><i><br>
</i><i><b>Candidates shall propose a 2-year research plan
contributing to at least one of the following areas:</b></i></font>
<li><font color="#6600cc"><i><strong><u>Advancing Novel Methods
and Techniques</u></strong></i><i>: Targeted research
projects aimed at developing innovative methods, novel
algorithms and new EO products and datasets expanding the
scientific use of the Sentinel missions, the Earth Explorers
or the ESA long-term data archives into new scientific areas
and application domains. Activities shall establish a solid
basis to expand the missions’ product portfolio and
stimulate novel science results and innovative applications.
Priority will be given to develop and validate novel
algorithms, data processing techniques, advanced
methodologies and new EO-based products that may maximise
the novel capabilities offered by the Sentinel missions, the
unique data offered by the Earth Explorers, the long-term
series of ESA data archives, and its synergies also in
combination with meteorological and non-ESA missions.</i></font></li>
<li><font color="#6600cc"><i><strong><u>Advancing Earth System
Science</u></strong></i><i>: Cutting-edge scientific
activities aimed at maximizing the scientific impact of ESA
and European missions in terms of new discoveries and
advances in Earth system science addressing the challenges
of the ESA EO Science Strategy (Section 3). Projects shall
contribute to answer major open questions in Earth system
science, address global scientific challenges and community
priorities posed by international Earth System Science
communities and international science groups (e.g., WCRP,
SOLAS, GCP, etc…). Priority will be given to activities that
maximise the scientific return (in terms of scientific
results and publications) of ESA and European EO assets
including Sentinel, Earth Explorers and Meteo mission data,
the long-term ESA archive and existing EO-based long-term
datasets (e.g., ESA project results).</i></font></li>
<b>Jedna organizace může v jedné výzvě získat jedno místo v rámci
těchto fellowshipů.</b><br>
<b>Více informací v příloze a zde:</b><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eo4society.esa.int/2022/04/06/living-planet-fellowship-call-for-proposals-2022/">https://eo4society.esa.int/2022/04/06/living-planet-fellowship-call-for-proposals-2022/</a><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eo4society.esa.int/communities/scientists/living-planet-fellowship/frequently-asked-questions/">https://eo4society.esa.int/communities/scientists/living-planet-fellowship/frequently-asked-questions/</a><br>
S pozdravem,<br>
Ivana Herglová<br>
Dear colleagues,<br>
another interesting offer of the <b>European Space Agency (ESA)</b>
is a possibility to apply for<b> postdoctoral fellowships with 70%
support of ESA</b> in the frame of the <b>Living Planet
Fellowship call for proposals 2022.</b> The remaining 30% can be
covered e.g. by a salary from the host institution which must have
their seat in one of the ESA countries. Also the applicants need to
have the citizenship of one of the ESA member states. <br>
This year's offer is open to those postdoctoral candidates who have
obtained their Ph.D. between January 1, 2015 and June 15, 2022.<br>
<b>The deadline for applications is June 15, 2022.</b><br>
<font color="#6600cc"><br>
<i>With this Fellowship ESA co-funds post-doctoral research
projects. At least 30% of the total cost of the research project
should be secured internally by the host institution. ESA
funding shall contribute to cover at maximum 70% of costs,
associated to the salary, travel and publications of the
Candidate. The maximum ESA contribution to the project is
110.000 EUR (exclusive of options, as detailed in the call
<font color="#6600cc"><i><b>RESEARCH AREAS</b></i><i><br>
</i><i><b>Candidates shall propose a 2-year research plan
contributing to at least one of the following areas:</b></i></font>
<li><font color="#6600cc"><i><strong><u>Advancing Novel Methods
and Techniques</u></strong></i><i>: Targeted research
projects aimed at developing innovative methods, novel
algorithms and new EO products and datasets expanding the
scientific use of the Sentinel missions, the Earth Explorers
or the ESA long-term data archives into new scientific areas
and application domains. Activities shall establish a solid
basis to expand the missions’ product portfolio and
stimulate novel science results and innovative applications.
Priority will be given to develop and validate novel
algorithms, data processing techniques, advanced
methodologies and new EO-based products that may maximise
the novel capabilities offered by the Sentinel missions, the
unique data offered by the Earth Explorers, the long-term
series of ESA data archives, and its synergies also in
combination with meteorological and non-ESA missions.</i></font></li>
<li><font color="#6600cc"><i><strong><u>Advancing Earth System
Science</u></strong></i><i>: Cutting-edge scientific
activities aimed at maximizing the scientific impact of ESA
and European missions in terms of new discoveries and
advances in Earth system science addressing the challenges
of the ESA EO Science Strategy (Section 3). Projects shall
contribute to answer major open questions in Earth system
science, address global scientific challenges and community
priorities posed by international Earth System Science
communities and international science groups (e.g., WCRP,
SOLAS, GCP, etc…). Priority will be given to activities that
maximise the scientific return (in terms of scientific
results and publications) of ESA and European EO assets
including Sentinel, Earth Explorers and Meteo mission data,
the long-term ESA archive and existing EO-based long-term
datasets (e.g., ESA project results).</i></font></li>
<b>An organisation can obtain one fellowship funding per a call.<br>
</b><b>More information in the attachment and here:</b><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eo4society.esa.int/2022/04/06/living-planet-fellowship-call-for-proposals-2022/">https://eo4society.esa.int/2022/04/06/living-planet-fellowship-call-for-proposals-2022/</a><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eo4society.esa.int/communities/scientists/living-planet-fellowship/frequently-asked-questions/">https://eo4society.esa.int/communities/scientists/living-planet-fellowship/frequently-asked-questions/</a><br>
Best regards,<br>
Ivana Herglová<br>
<a class="ecl-u-d-inline-block ecl-u-type-prolonged-m
ecl-u-type-bold ecl-u-type-family-alt ecl-u-mt-xs ecl-link
ecl-link--standalone"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">-----<br>
<span style="mso-bookmark:x_x_x_x_x_x__MailAutoSig"><span
style="color:#330033">PhDr. Ivana Herglová, Ph.D.<br>
Oddělení podpory grantů a projektů<br>
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy<br>
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2<br>
tel: 951 551 682<br>
</span></span></span></a><a href="http://www.mff.cuni.cz"
moz-do-not-send="true">www.mff.cuni.cz</a> <b><b><a
class="ecl-u-d-inline-block ecl-u-type-prolonged-m
ecl-u-type-bold ecl-u-type-family-alt ecl-u-mt-xs ecl-link