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Vážené kolegyně,<br>
Vážení kolegové,<br>
v návaznosti na právě představený Work Programme <b>Evropské rady
pro inovace / European Innovation Council</b> si Vás dovolujeme
upozornit také na evropský online info den k tomuto programu.<br>
<b>Informační den Evropské komise k EIC</b> se uskuteční <b>online</b>
dne <b>22. 2. 2022.</b><br>
Registrace dopředu není vyžadována.<br>
Více informací zde:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eic.ec.europa.eu/events/european-innovation-council-online-info-day-22-february-2022_en">https://eic.ec.europa.eu/events/european-innovation-council-online-info-day-22-february-2022_en</a><br>
Stručný obsah:<br>
<p><font color="#cc33cc"><i>During the Info Day our experts will
talk about the main novelties of the EIC Work Programme 2022.
In addition it will be given an overview about </i><i><strong>three
main funding schemes </strong></i><i>provided by EIC</i><i><strong>:</strong></i></font></p>
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Pathfinder’</strong></i><i>
for advanced research on breakthrough or game-changing
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Transition’</strong></i><i>
for transforming research results into innovation
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Accelerator’</strong></i><i>
for individual companies to develop and scale up
breakthrough innovations with high risk and high impact.</i></font></li>
S pozdravem,<br>
Ivana Herglová<br>
Dear colleagues,<br>
next to introducing the Work Programme of the <b>European
Innovation Council</b> to you, we would like to draw to your
attention also the European online info day on this programme.<br>
The Information Day of the European Commission on EIC will take
place on February 22, 2022.<br>
Registration is not required.<br>
More information here:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://eic.ec.europa.eu/events/european-innovation-council-online-info-day-22-february-2022_en">https://eic.ec.europa.eu/events/european-innovation-council-online-info-day-22-february-2022_en</a><br>
The programme in brief:<br>
<p><font color="#cc33cc"><i>During the Info Day our experts will
talk about the main novelties of the EIC Work Programme 2022.
In addition it will be given an overview about </i><i><strong>three
main funding schemes </strong></i><i>provided by EIC</i><i><strong>:</strong></i></font></p>
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Pathfinder’</strong></i><i>
for advanced research on breakthrough or game-changing
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Transition’</strong></i><i>
for transforming research results into innovation
<li><font color="#cc33cc"><i><strong>‘EIC Accelerator’</strong></i><i>
for individual companies to develop and scale up
breakthrough innovations with high risk and high impact.</i></font></li>
Best regards,<br>
Ivana Herglová<br>
<a class="ecl-u-d-inline-block ecl-u-type-prolonged-m
ecl-u-type-bold ecl-u-type-family-alt ecl-u-mt-xs ecl-link
ecl-link--standalone"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">-----<br>
<span style="mso-bookmark:x_x_x_x_x_x__MailAutoSig"><span
style="color:#330033">PhDr. Ivana Herglová, Ph.D.<br>
Oddělení podpory grantů a projektů<br>
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy<br>
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2<br>
tel: 951 551 682<br>
</span></span></span></a><a href="http://www.mff.cuni.cz"
moz-do-not-send="true">www.mff.cuni.cz</a> <b><a
class="ecl-u-d-inline-block ecl-u-type-prolonged-m
ecl-u-type-bold ecl-u-type-family-alt ecl-u-mt-xs ecl-link