[OGAP-l] Otevřené výzvy kaskádového financování Horizontu Evropa / Open calls of cascade funding of Horizon Europe

Ivana Herglová ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Středa Duben 17 17:09:19 CEST 2024

Vážené kolegyně,
Vážení kolegové,

jednou ze zajímavých a poměrně snadných možností, jak dosáhnout na financování z programu Horizont Evropa je získání tzv. kaskádového financování, kde prvotní příjemce podpory od Evropské komise (tj. hlavní řešitel většího grantu) vyhlásí v průběhu realizace svého projektu vlastní menší výzvy k podávání návrhů dílčích projektů.

Tyto otevřené výzvy (open calls) jsou zveřejňovány na k tomu určené stránce Funding & Tenders portálu <https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/calls-for-proposals?order=DESC&pageNumber=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate&type=8&status=31094501,31094502&frameworkProgramme=43108390> a na webových stránkách jednotlivých projektů. Výzev je průběžně otevřeno až několik desítek. Výše grantů se obvykle pohybuje do 60 tisíc Euro a doba realizace projektu bývá kratší než 1 rok.

Oprávněnými žadateli jsou nejčastěji malé a střední podniky, ale řada výzev je otevřena všem inovátorům nezávisle na typu organizace, tedy i vysokým školám. Žadatelé většinou nemusí tvořit projektové konsorcium. Vyplnění žádosti o kaskádový grant je časově nenáročné a může Vám zároveň otevřít cestu k budoucím spolupracím v rámci programu Horizont Evropa nebo jiných evropských programů.

Tato finanční podpora "třetích stran" označovaná též jako Financial support to third parties (FSTP) se řídí pravidly rámcového programu Horizont Evropa.

Několik aktuálních nabídek kaskádového financování/FSTP hodících se pro MFF najdete níže.
S pozdravem,

Ivana Herglová


Dear colleagues,

one of the interesting and relatively easy ways how to obtain funding from the Horizon Europe programme is so-called cascade funding, where the primary recipient of support from the European Commission (i.e. the principal investigator of a larger grant) announces its own smaller calls for project proposals during the implementation of the main project.

These open calls are published on the dedicated page of the Funding & Tenders Portal<https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/calls-for-proposals?status=31094501,31094502&frameworkProgramme=43108390&type=8&order=DESC&pageNumber=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate> and on the websites of the individual projects. Up to several dozen calls are open at once. The size of the grants is usually up to 60,000 Euros and the project implementation period is usually less than 1 year.

Eligible applicants are typically small and medium-sized enterprises, but a lot of calls are open to all innovators regardless of the type of organization, including universities. Applicants usually do not have to form a project consortium. The application for a cascade grant is not time-consuming. The participation can open you also a way for future collaborations within the Horizon Europe or other European programmes.

This financial support of "third parties", also referred to as Financial support to third parties (FSTP), is governed by the rules of the Horizon Europe framework programme.

You may find some of the current Cascade Funding/FSTP offers suitable for the MFF below.

Best regards,

Ivana Herglová


Několik příkladů z aktuální nabídky kaskádových grantů / Several examples from the current offer of cascade grants:
N.B.: Pokud Vás tato možnost podpory zaujala, podívejte se na výše uvedený odkaz na kompletní nabídku - projekty se často týkají informatiky nebo technologií, ale některé granty jsou např. i mobilitní apod.
   If you find this type of funding type interesting, please, check the link above for complete offer of topics - the projects are often about Computer Science or Technologies, but there are also mobility grants, etc.

  1.  OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services<https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/competitive-calls-cs/5341?status=31094501,31094502&frameworkProgramme=43108390&type=8&order=DESC&pageNumber=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate>

Deadline date(s): 15 May 2024 14:00 (Brussels time)

Full name of the EU funded project: O.S.C.A.R.S. - Open Science Clusters' Action for Research and Society

Who can receive financial support? The financial support provided through OSCARS is open to Research Infrastructures, Universities, Institutes, consortia as well as individual researchers.

Open Call Topics:

The aim of the call is to support researchers engaging in or developing Open Data Research by conducting science projects that facilitate and foster sharing research data and results based on FAIR principles. Proposals that develop and/or make available services or tools (software; hardware; middleware; protocols; standards; benchmarks; documentation and training/mentoring materials; activities and resources), which enable Open Research in a field and encourage open science practice based on FAIR principles, are also eligible.
Domains: a) Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle or Nuclear Physics, b) Social Science and Humanities; c) Photon/neutron sources-based experimental research; d) Life sciences; e) Earth and environmental sciences

  1.  NGI Mobifree open call (2024-06M)<https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/competitive-calls-cs/5924?status=31094501,31094502&frameworkProgramme=43108390&type=8&order=DESC&pageNumber=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate>

Deadline date(s): depending on the subcall you select; the main call's deadline is 01 June 2024 12:00 (Brussels time)

Full name of the EU funded project: Mobile Freedom (MOBIFREE)

Who can receive financial support? Anyone can apply, including private individuals and organisations of any type. Project proposals should be in line with the NGI vision<https://nlnet.nl/NGI/vision> and should have research and development as their primary objective. Proposals should be complete and concise (no longer than the equivalent of two pages for the main application, see the submission form<https://nlnet.nl/propose>). Proposals should have a clear European dimension.

Open Call Topics (links to more project calls included, not only MOBIFREE):

We invite your contribution to help us reshape the state of play, and together create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all<https://nlnet.nl/mobifree/#NGI>.
Part of the budget of NGI Mobifree (15% to be precise) is reserved for open calls to fund additional free and open source efforts that are aligned with the topics and approach of NGI Mobifree. We invite your contributions to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organizations more choice in, and access to, human-centered and ethical mobile software.
Maybe you are working on wholly new contributions towards opening up the mobile ecosystem, for instance in terms of open hardware, software, firmware or protocols. Perhaps you've conceived another way to remove current gatekeepers, choke points or surveillance capabilities. Maybe you are walking around with ideas to improve or enhance concrete existing applications (such as those further developed within NGI Mobifree, eg. F-Droid<https://nlnet.nl/project/Reproducible-F-Droid>, Conversations<https://nlnet.nl/project/Conversations-3.0> or Micro-G<https://microg.org/>). Or improve on other important solutions in terms of usability, security, privacy, interoperability, high availability and scalability - to allow everyone to benefit from mobile technologies without unnecessary drawbacks. You tell us how you believe we can move things forward.
Project results must be made available under a free and open source license, so anyone can read and validate the source code, and anyone can use the code to create technology that fits their own purposes. We are seeking project proposals between 5.000 and 50.000 euro's - if the project works out well you can subsequently scale up in other programmes funded by NLnet such as NGI0 Core<https://nlnet.nl/core> or NGI0 Commons Fund<https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund>. Privacy-friendly human-centered and ethical mobile software should become the 'new normal' of the internet, something ordinary users should not have to worry about - users should be in control. So let's make it happen.
Through the open calls, we assist independent researchers and developers to join in and create powerful new technologies and put these in the hands of future generations as building blocks for a fair and democratic society. Help us build a sustainable and open economy that benefits all, and submit your idea today<https://nlnet.nl/propose>. Not sure whether your idea fits? Don't be afraid to send something completely out-of-the-box if you think you can contribute to the topic (and it fits with the eligibility criteria<https://nlnet.nl/mobifree/eligibility>): it really is an open call.

  1.  NGI Sargasso 3rd Open Call<https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/competitive-calls-cs/5701?status=31094501,31094502&frameworkProgramme=43108390&type=8&order=DESC&pageNumber=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate>

Deadline date(s): 15 May 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Full name of the EU funded project: Unique collaborative ecosystem and programme for promoting the transatlantic cooperation in NGI technologies

Who can receive financial support? Universities, RTOs and research centers; NGOs and foundations; SMEs and startups

Open Call Topics:

The purpose of this call is to provide support to EU Member States and eligible Associated Countries entities that would like to collaborate in research projects, within the Next Generation Internet field, with US and/or Canadian entities.

NGI Sargasso focuses on specific areas of knowledge critical to developing a more human-centric and sustainable internet. NGI Sargasso prioritizes the following areas of knowledge: Trust, Data sovereignty, Digital identity, Internet architecture and renovation, Decentralised technologies, Interoperability & Standardization and New Internet Commons.

Proposals submitted to the NGI Sargasso Open Call could use some of the following base technologies to address the challenges in the above areas of knowledge: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and DLTs, Data, Cybersecurity, 6G and novel networks, IoT (Internet of Things), Open-source hardware and software, novel software architectures, etc.

The proposals are not limited only to the use of the technologies mentioned above.

The selected the projects are expected to have a clear development component, going further than theoretical approaches or just mere studies.

NGI Sargasso has identified a set of challenges for this second cut-off date after conducting a series of interviews and surveys to dozens of experts in Europe, Canada and the USA. There are 9 concrete challenges and an open one. Proposals should be directed towards one of those (including the open challenge for NGI): a) Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Across Continents; b) Harmonized Cross-Atlantic Digital Governance; c) Inclusive Public Digital Spaces for Global Community Engagement; d) Enhanced Data Security and Privacy in Transcontinental Perspective; e) Interoperability and Standardisation Across Borders; f) Global Implementation of Decentralised Technologies; g) Next-Gen Cybersecurity and Generative AI; h) Next Generation Space Based Internet; i) Redefining intelligence in a hyperconnected world; j) Open Challenge.

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