[OGAP-l] 4. 5. 2023 webinář / webinar "Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine"

Ivana Herglová ivana.herglova na matfyz.cuni.cz
Úterý Květen 2 10:28:54 CEST 2023

Vážené kolegyně,

Vážení kolegové,

rádi bychom Vás upozornili na webinář na téma podpory pro ukrajinské vědce v rámci evropských programů na podporu vědy a výzkumu nazvaný „Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine“.

Webinář se uskuteční dne 4. 5. 2023 v anglickém jazyce v čase 9:30-12:45 CET.

Více informací naleznete na webu akce:
nebo v emailu, který obdržel Rektorát (připojuji jej níže).

S pozdravem,

Ivana Herglová


Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw to your attention webinar on funding opportunities available for researchers from Ukraine in the EU titled „Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine“.

The webinar will take place on May 4, 2023 in English language at 9:30-12:45 CET.

More information on the website of the event:
or in the email received by the Rectorate of Charles University (see below).

Best regards,

Ivana Herglová

From: MSCA4Ukraine <msca4ukraine na eua.eu<mailto:msca4ukraine na eua.eu>>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 9:40 AM
To: Milena Králíčková <milena.kralickova na ruk.cuni.cz<mailto:milena.kralickova na ruk.cuni.cz>>
Subject: Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine, 4th May

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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the first MSCA4Ukraine webinar entitled ‘Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine<https://cdn.flxml.eu/lt-2184983074-6f25cfdeeb5d3dd1256e1e23fbef16febc4e93a0d48707c4>’ will take place on Thursday, 4th May from 9.30-12.45 CET.
The event will address funding opportunities available for researchers from Ukraine beyond the MSCA4Ukraine scheme and how to prepare competitive applications.
The webinar will cover:

  *   Other EU funding opportunities for researchers (Marija Fedotovaite, Policy Officer, European Commission)

  *   External funding opportunities for researchers from Ukraine (Dr Oleksandra Ivashchenko, Coordinator at Science for Ukraine and Medical Physicist at University Medical Centre, Groningen)

  *   Strategic approaches to applying for funding (Dr Oksana Seumenicht, MSCA4Ukraine Programme Director, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)

  *   Do’s and don’ts of preparing funding applications for diverse grants/fellowships (Prof Rob Kitchin, Professor of Human Geography, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute)

  *   Insights and learnings from the MSCA4Ukraine application process (Dr Oksana Seumenicht, MSCA4Ukraine Programme Director, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
Please see registration details here<https://cdn.flxml.eu/lt-2184983078-6f25cfdeeb5d3dd1256e1e23fbef16febc4e93a0d48707c4>.
We look forward to welcoming you to the webinar.
MSCA4Ukraine team.


msca4ukraine na mu.ie​<mailto:msca4ukraine na mu.ie> <mailto:msca4ukraine na mu.ie>
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