[OGAP-l] Interest in PRIMUS grant - Giacomo Cherubini

Ivana Herglová herglova na dekanat.mff.cuni.cz
Středa Březen 23 15:49:13 CET 2022

Dear Dr. Cherubini,

thank you for letting us know about your interest in submitting a PRIMUS 
grant application.

I am available for you should you have any questions while writing the 
project proposal.

Best regards,

Ivana Herglová
Department of Grants and Projects

Dne 22.03.2022 11:56, cherubini na karlin.mff.cuni.cz napsal(a):
> Dear OGAP office,
> My name is Giacomo Cherubini and I am a postdoc in Mathematics at the 
> Department of Algebra, MFF.
> I am writing to communicate that I am planning to submit an 
> application for the PRIMUS grant with the Department of Algebra. The 
> head of the Department David Stanovsky (added in cc) has been informed 
> as well.
> I am sketching a draft of the application and later I may write with 
> some questions.
> Kind regards,
> Giacomo Cherubini

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